Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Foods that can enhance women's health

Women have a number of unique nutritional needs and choosing the right types of foods and drinks can have a positive effect on their health. As studies have shown, choosing certain food and drink groups can help improve health and prevent certain diseases.

The following is a list of helpful nutrient sources that will help you maintain a healthy body:

1. Lemon water boosts metabolism and helps in weight loss

Lemon water is essential in the digestive process since as we age, the amount of acids in our stomach decreases. One study shows that over 30 percent of women were found to have atrophic gastritis.
Lemons are great for weight loss as they are full of flavor, but thankfully not calorie - the juice of a whole lemon only has 12 calories. But it's more than just a diet-friendly aroma enhancer. It helps in losing weight as it helps you fight hunger cravings as well as detoxify the liver.
Citrus flavonoids in citric acids also have detoxifying abilities that help fight cancer and reduce inflammation.

2. Raspberry leaf tea helps reduce menstrual cramps

Raspberry leaf tea, also known as woman's herb, is a popular drink that is beneficial to women's health as it is naturally high in vitamins and minerals necessary for the female body. It contains iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins B, A, C and E.

It is commonly used by pregnant women to ease and shorten their labor, but has also been proven to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), severe bleeding and painful cramps. This is due to the high vitamins and minerals it contains that balance the hormones and strengthen the uterine walls. When making tea, you can always add real raspberries.

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Exercises to make your feet look good

These exercises activate the lower back and abdominal muscles and with regular exercise for just one week you can reduce the volume of your legs.

You don't have to do a lot of hard workouts in the gym to shape your feet, your pulp and your kidneys properly.

Follow-up exercises are very simple, can be done at home and will not take you more than 15 minutes a day.

The following is a plan of exercises that will help you finally get the legs you've ever dreamed of.

Some Extra Home Appliances

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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Lose Your Belly Fat?

I'm Marine Gunnery Sergeant Kyle Cooper, and I’m about to share a bizarre story with you.
It’s about how a disastrous mission in the mountains of Afghanistan led to an amazing discovery that would save the life of Sharon Monroe, a 43-year-old out-of-shape accountant and mother of two who nearly dropped dead from a heart attack.

Sharon achieved this miracle without pills, surgeries or gut-wrenching workouts!

You might be shocked when you learn about the method she used to eradicate body fat and give her the youthful energy to go with it.
Sharon had battled her weight for years. She’d tried every weight loss fad and followed the advice of “fitness gurus” who preached tons of cardio and crazy diets.
The real breakthrough came out of nowhere, backed up by independent clinical research from some of the world’s top universities, and I had to go overseas to find out about it. It would change Sharon’s life.
This weight loss method is so astonishingly effective, I’ve retired from the Marine Corps so I can dedicate my life to sharing this miraculous secret with everyone who wants to shed pounds and improve their health.

I’m going to tell you about the lies that create roadblocks to weight loss.

One big lie is that salty foods are a hindrance to losing weight. It sounds crazy, but a lack of salt lowers the pH level in your stomach, so you can’t burn fat. It also leads to digestive problems, making you feel bloated and gassy.
Another lie is that all vegetables are good for you. Some veggies create a serious thyroid imbalance that builds fat in your gut, no matter how much you work out.
Studies have shown that excessive cardio speeds up the aging process, is ineffective at burning fat, and can cause serious heart conditions like arterial plaque buildup, oxidative stress, and scar tissue on the heart, leading to deadly heart attacks.
It goes against everything we’ve been taught.
What about the scientifically proven fact that fat-free, sugar-free, gluten-free and low-carb diets make you fatter because of two body-fattening amino acids that are hiding in many foods you’ve been led to believe are healthy?
They both deliver deadly trans-fats right into your bloodstream, destroying the body's metabolic system and bringing the production of thyroid hormones to a grinding halt – directly resulting in increased fat storage, specifically around your stomach and thighs.
And according to WebMD, people who overdo exercise have shorter life spans and put themselves at greater risk for heart attack. The early symptoms of heart attack are shortness of breath and chest pains, but exercise over-achievers think it’s because they’ve had a good workout.

I’ll tell you the truth about how super-fit celebrities lose weight so quickly.

Best of all, I’ll tell you exactly how Sharon Monroe lost over 40 pounds and just dodged leaving her husband a widower.

You’ll find out how nearly getting blown to bits in a cave in Afghanistan led me to the discovery that would change Sharon’s life and thousands of others.
You’ll learn the exact fat-burning system that’s been scientifically tested and proven to melt fat away with incredible speed, skyrocket your energy levels, balance your body chemistry, and ramp up your sex drive – so quickly, safely, and effectively that you’ll wonder why Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil haven’t been talking about it for years.
The weight loss industry isn’t happy about what I’m doing. It makes tens of billions of dollars by cleverly marketing fads like the TLC Diet, Slim Fast, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig and South Beach, and they’re threatened by the information I’m going to share. I’m exposing the lies they use to bilk people out of billions each year… more than $61 billion as of 2010, based on a Marketdata study of the U.S. weight loss industry alone.
They don’t want me to show people like you how to lose weight without losing money.
What’s astonishing is that everything I was previously led to believe about nutrition and body fat was wrong! I had to leave the country to stumble on the proven secrets you’re going to learn about right here.
magine waking up tomorrow with as much energy as you had in your twenties – even if you’re 70 now! Watch as day by day, your stubborn belly dissolves. You’ll look and feel healthier than you have in decades.
And you’ll discover that the symptoms of major health issues like hyperthyroidism, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, chronic joint pain and more will fade so rapidly it will reaffirm your faith – or make you a believer.

The secret I’m about to reveal is so simple and so easy, and the results so dramatic that it may seem unbelievable.

I felt the same way when I learned about the incredible proven science behind a hidden fat-burning cycle that Westerners don’t know about. I thought it was more health mumbo jumbo.
As a gunnery sergeant in a Marine Force Recon unit, I wasn’t just responsible for my team that fateful night in the cave. I was responsible for their physical fitness training.
I watched the results of out-of-shape, middle-aged soldiers using this program, how National Guard units called up to serve were staffed by out-of-shape guys in their 30’s, 40’s and even 50’s, regular guys who were suddenly called to active duty to fight terrorist threats, and who were rapidly transformed into lean, mean fighting machines.
And I watched Sharon slim down within weeks. It’s one thing to whip soldiers into shape, but she was an overweight civilian.
Nothing can replace the feeling of witnessing their success and seeing life-altering results with tens of thousands of people just like you and me.
What I’m about to share will give you a lean and healthy body, plus the confidence you’ve always wanted.

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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Live Longer Without Stress

Stress has become a fabricated part of our lives occupied with work and obligations, but it causes havoc on our health and our lives in general.

Read on to learn the measures that can free you from stress, Broadcast Telegraph.

The impact of stress
All epinephrine or adrenaline is produced during the stress period, a survival method that is often released during these busy days. Adrenaline is released when you are under mental pressure and tells the body to convert glucose stored sugar from the liver because energy requires the body to raise the alarm for possible war or survival effort. The bad thing is that this the scenario is almost never played and the blood sugar is not used. Being deposited as fat, one of two things can occur from the prolonged survival type.

One: Your body will deposit the fat-released sugar and seek for more energy from sugar. This adds weight (an undesirable side effect of stress).

Two: All this stress and this herbal strain constantly expels your body from energy, until in the end, inevitably, the body is crushed by overload. This can lead to exhaustion of adrenaline, nerve breakage, or destruction of the immune system and thus making people exposed to disease. The vicious circle repeats itself and it seems that people are not able to emerge from this horrible race.

                                   Releases stress

1. Decrease caffeine: caffeine stimulates adrenaline release. Get rid of coffee cups and chop teaspoons of caffeine, with therapeutic benefits. Or, you can lessen caffeine by replacing green tea coffee, which has caffeine as much as 1/3 of a cup of coffee, but also good in the form of antioxidants polyphenols.

2. Meditation: The day-to-day meditation program can become your number one method to bleed at the end of the busy day and free up the strain.

3. Take a breath: Remove stress, move away. Specific tasks can detoxify your body and renew your being. Try this exercise and achieve the goal of slowing down, gentleness, and deepening every breath. With each breath, pronounce the word calmness in your mind and remove the strain from the body, starting at the tip of your head and going through each part of the hole until you reach the bottom of your heels.

4. Clear the mess: Have you heard about what you own, will you then own? Not only do these things consume your energy for maintenance and cleaning but also add to the clutter, making you unorganized and thus raising your stress levels. Cut it and let it go. Good rule is: anything you have not used for six months can donate it to a charitable organization.

5. Clarify your schedule: lessen your engagement in your appointment calendar. If you are struggling to find some free time, try at least one day of the week just passing ... and enjoying it!

6. Re-shape Your Perspective: As you skip a day, be careful what causes your feelings of stress. Our answer is much about how much this will affect us; by reconditioning our perspective on stressful situations, we often see that danger is widely an illusion and we remain calm in mind.

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Are You Happy?

There has been times in my life when I have been asked if I was happy, and this has often been followed by me feeling somewhat perplexed. When I have been asked this, part of me has felt as though I should say yes, while another part of me hasn't wanted to say anything.

The reason for this is that I don't aspire to be happy, far from it; that's not to say that I do everything I can to be unhappy, though. For me, the purpose of life is to live a fulfilling life - that's what matters.


As time has gone by, this is something that I have said when I had been asked this question. And if I am asked if my life is fulfilling, after I have said this, I will usually go into the areas of my life that are fulfilling.

For example, once I have finished writing an article, I usually feel happy. The reason for this is that I will have done something that is deeply meaningful to me - I will have fulfilled a number of needs.

Two Types of Happiness

Soon after this my mood will probably drop, but that doesn't mean that I will go from one extreme to the other. I will return to the middle ground or the middle of the emotional spectrum.

This type of happiness is then what is called value-based happiness, as opposed to sensation-based happiness. The first type of happiness will be the result of me doing something that matters to me and second type of happiness will be the result of me taking something or having a pleasurable experience.

Way Back

Before I started writing, I was more inclined to seek out certain experiences or to consume things that would allow me to feel good. The perfect example of this was when I would go out for the night and get drunk.

During this time I would feel great and I wouldn't want it to end, but this experience wouldn't last and I would often wake up feeling rough. I soon came to see that the cons outweighed the pros.

Beyond Happiness

I think it might have been through reading books by Osho that I came to see how futile it is to want to be happy. In some his books he talks about how pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin.

Pain follows pleasure in the same way that night follows day. Not only this, the more we want something the harder it is to attain it; therefore, if we set out to be happy, we are likely to experience more of the things we are trying to run away from.


It was also around this time that I came to see that if wanted to be happy, it was usually because I was trying to avoid something. This may have meant that I was in pain, or it could have come down to how I perceived something.

Once I had worked through how I felt or changed my perspective, the need to experience life differently often disappeared. I remember speaking to a therapist called, Vijay Rana, about this, and he said that to him, being happy was all about knowing that he could handle whatever like threw at him. This is all about being resilient.

A Unique Outlook

While this is not necessarily going to mean that he will always have a smile on his face, what it will probably do is give him a sense of belief and allow him to let go and to trust that he will be OK, no matter what.

When he said this, I thought that this was a good way to be. Instead of trying to chase something that can't be caught, he was more interested in being present; along with doing the work that he found fulfilling.

Final Thoughts

Coming back to what I said at the beginning, I think the reason why I felt the need to say yes came down to me needing approval, and saying yes was seen as a way for me to fulfil that need. I also feared that if I said no, I would have to talk about why that was.

This would have caused me to experience anxiety and shame, and that was the last thing that I wanted to experience. Over time, I have come to see that being happy is a by-product of having a life that is fulfilling.

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Never Taking Gratitude for Granted Again

TAKING life for granted is something we've got down to an art form, especially in the West. Yet, there are myriads of blessings showered upon us daily, many of which sustain our lives; that we never quite think will fade... until they do.

Take a walk along the wild side and imagine the Procurer of Life doing what only He can do:

God's love breathes down when our lungs swell up.

God breathes His love into us when our lungs fill with air. Every cell He engineered and built and sustains. Every cell He fuels and maintains. Every air molecule purpose designed to catalyse creative effort. And as we exhale that air is purged into air that's safe to re-breathe.

God supplies the next breath. He, indeed, is breath - YAH... WEH - inhalation (YAH) and exhalation (WEH); the God of all. His name is the only two syllable word that can be simply breathed. By breath He is. He is ours as we live to breathe. We are His, for we cannot survive without this precious mix of compound gases for our lungs, for our cells and our being; for our existence. He has given us that 20 or 21 percent oxygen that we need - beautifully and intelligently designed in fresh air.

He invents the senses, energises us to feel them, and grants us the capacity to perceive.

From atoms to the astronomical this God of love has loved through cohesive creation.

He touches us through the oddest, worldliest thing, a fascinating narrative, the expression of emotion, yet we know He is behind the wondrous mystery that captivates the moment.

He opens His mouth and speaks life and hope into us. Especially, mostly, when we have waited, impatiently, impetuously, for a Word before its time.

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Satisfaction - How to Find and Keep It?

Do you ever find yourself wondering "Is this all there is? This home? This partner? This job? Shouldn't things be better?" The popularity of the song 'I can't get no satisfaction' by the Rolling Stones suggests that a certain element of impatience with life, even futility and disillusionment, is not uncommon.

"I can't get no satisfaction

'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try

I can't get no, I can't get no

When I'm drivin' in my car

And that man comes on the radio

And he's tellin' me more and more

About some useless information

Supposed to fire my imagination

I can't get no, oh no no no"

(Rolling Stones)

So why can't we find and keep that feeling of satisfaction?

A perspective from positive psychology
The field of positive psychology suggests some obstacles to satisfaction.

The first obstacle is a hedonistic attitude. This is mistakenly assuming personal satisfaction only comes from 'wine, women and song'. The sensory pleasure of the moment may come from any number of things e.g. watching exciting sport or letting your hair down at a party, or enjoying good drink and food. But by prioritising pleasure one neglects engagement in meaningful activity and personal relationships that furnish a sense of satisfying purpose to your life.

A second obstacle to satisfaction is being focused on possible dangers around us. This is having a negativity bias. For example being more likely to remember and take seriously a putdown, criticism or insult than a piece of positive feedback or compliment. No wonder you are unhappy if this is preoccupying your thoughts.

A third obstacle is the attitude of 'Keeping up with the Joneses' Comparing oneself with others often results in feeling diminished e.g. if our furniture, car, holiday, or clothes happen to be less smart than theirs.

A fourth obstacle is having low self-control. The assumption is that satisfaction results from giving in to our natural desires, We are prone to taking the view of wanting something now rather than later. However, controlling impulses leads to happiness in the longer run. Putting off pleasures until later is necessary if we are to consistently pursue goals. For example if one's aim is to repay a debt, then one many never achieve this if one spends money when one feels like it. Otherwise we just create problems and frustration.

A spiritual perspective on satisfaction
I would suggest that a deeper appreciation of who we are profoundly influences our state of happiness. The obstacle here is our natural minded tendency. We each have a strong natural sense of self-awareness as a self-contained individual. We think 'I am myself.' 'This is my body'. 'This is my mind'. So we each seem to have a separate consciousness and life of our own. We live as if we were each an island unto ourselves. Out of contact with the notion of being connected to something bigger.

Subjectively, my sense of self is crucial. It gives me a sense of individuality and thus an important feeling of freedom and responsibility for personal choices. We feel full of life, we have the experience of feeling and thought. So it comes as a bit of shock to hear it suggested that we're actually more than we think we are. That all our feelings and thoughts come from outside of ourselves.

Yet this is exactly what several spiritual traditions maintain. They say this perception of oneself as independently real is a mistake. Instead, it is suggested that there actually is only one Self. Not myself but rather the Self that is my creative origin and spiritual source. The higher power of the Alcoholics Anonymous movement which has the ability to transform and heal the addict.

The mystics speak of the One as the only reality. The one goodness we can all learn to experience. Buddhists have a doctrine of no-self. The self hood that is an illusion. Christians say we are made in the image of God. Our life is God's life in us. This in contrast to the idea that the God of religion is invented by us and created in our image.

The spiritual philosophy of Swedenborg teaches that the only real life that gives happiness and satisfaction comes from the Divine Itself. If life on earth is created by the source of life, then it follows that we have no life of ourselves and are merely receivers of life from a higher source. This is not an argument for saying we cannot accept responsibility for how we lead our lives. As of ourselves we have been gifted the freedom to choose. To turn one way or the other. Nevertheless, if all goodness comes from the Source of Goodness then it follows that of ourselves we have no power to do good.

Illusion as an obstacle to satisfaction
This natural fallacy of the senses - that we possess life, abilities, strength and goodness of our own - can lead us astray.

Because of the illusion of having life of oneself, we are at risk of falling into self-orientation with its dangers of self-serving and self-interested behaviour. We are liable to forget the needs of others, of the principles of living we have learned, and lapse into a state of feeling alone, empty and dissatisfied with life.

"In this negative state we are open to all the evils that accompany it. And closed to all that is good and true" (Michael Stanley, spiritual teacher).

Egotistically, believing in only ourselves, we come to assume that happiness can only come from bodily comfort, social status and power.

This is only my point of view. But I would say don't fall for the illusion of the senses that says we each are alone; that we can find happiness in our own strength; that there is nothing beyond the material world. That leads to prioritising pleasure seeking, looking for threats, comparing oneself with others, and having low self-control - all obstacles to satisfaction.

One won't find satisfaction if one relies on oneself for happiness, on one's own intelligence, one's own abilities. Instead, when we turn towards deeper concepts about our spiritual source then will we find hope and inspiration. It means having a certain humility in wanting to see the possible personal relevance of the true Self to our daily life.

I am arguing that this Divine Self is the only source of lasting satisfaction. Finding this presence gives you hope, trust and guidance to escape from the life with which you now feel dissatisfied.

As a clinical psychologist, Stephen Russell-Lacy has specialised in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, working for many years with adults suffering distress and disturbance.

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