Monday, July 4, 2016

How to Stay Healthy 2018

How to Stay Healthy Stay Healthy Your diet is a bank account; spend your calories wisely on "Good investment" foods. Good investment foods consist of high-volume, high-density, high-fiber foods that fill you up on less. Salads, vegetables, whole grains and beans are great examples of good investments. Here are some tips that incorporate good investment foods with other ways to stay healthy. Other People Are Reading Kids Facts on How to Stay Healthy How to Stay Mentally Healthy Things You'll Need A positive mental attitude is most important A realistic approach to eating healthy Supportive friends and family who want to make good choices in regard to foods, and living as well Don't beat yourself up. Food isn't your friend, nor enemy, so you aren't bad when you overeat, nor good when you don't-this mentality leads to bingeing. You will be able to eat more indulgent foods if you eat less. Don't use any manufactured foods or anything with ingredients you can't pronounce. The brighter the natural color, the more healthy and loaded with antioxidants a food is. They are healthier because they are fresh from the farm instead of being shipped thousands of miles ahead of time and being picked prematurely. Raw foods have live enzymes that give you that overall glow that extremist raw foodists have. Make small changes and substitute cooked vegetables for salads. Prepare ahead. Choose a cooking day, buy disposable containers and prepare healthy meals and snacks for the week. When flying, don't rely on fattening plane or airport food. Even eating a healthy snack before dinner will save you from overeating. Make a concerted effort to leave food on your plate. Even though yoga doesn't make you drip in sweat, it calms the mind from "Food noise" and prevents overeating.



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